Dokita Volume 34 - tropical diseases edition

First Published: March 2009
Category: Tropical Diseases

James, A.F., Douglas, D.D., Onyekwere, G.B.N., Agbuduwe, E.E.C., Ebekozien, O.A., Koyejo, T.T., Obaitan, I., Oluleye, O.W., Uwazota, J.E., Akinbami, A.O., Akanbi, O.H., Rotimi, O.M., Oyenuga, A., Magbagbeola, O., Adeyefa, B.H., Onadipe, O.T., Adebiyi, A.O., Ige, O.K., Uchendu O. C,, Popoola, O.A., Sridhar, M.K.C., Olowu, A.O., Aneni, E.C., Asuzu, U.N., Onwuka, N.T., Anetor, E., Ogungbemi, O., Williams, R.B., Babalobi, O., Adeyemo A.O., Odionye, K.C., Adeyanju, T., Akinde, S., Famutimi, O.D., Oyenuga A.O.

Editorial - Tropical Diseases Edition

Since its inception in 1960, the DOKITA Editorial Board has been dedicated to the attainment of excellence amongst its members and the student body to which it belongs. Indeed, many a night, the members of this organization worked tirelessly to achieve stated goals. The result is the production of a yearly journal, DOKITA, which serves as an avenue for medical students in particular to publish scientific and scholarly articles. 

“The most splendid achievement of all is constant trying to surpass yourself and to be worthy of your own approval” 
Denis Waitley

The Tropical Disease Edition of DOKITA consists of articles ranging from topics such as Giardiasis and Mal-absorption to tropical conditions such as Hyper-reactive Malarial Splenomegaly. The need for an edition on tropical medicine became increasingly apparent with the emergence and re-emergence of new diseases and previously controlled ones in the world today. The discovery of new viruses and outbreaks of diseases of cholera and Lassa fever and other diseases call for a re-evaluation of preventive strategies and treatment methods. The ‘inability so far to reach target goals of eradication and control are also important factors which prompted the decision to publish a journal on Tropical Medicine. In addition, the alarming rate of spread of diseases across borders requires an increase in the level of awareness of both endemic and non-endemic diseases among the general populace, not only the medical community.

Other articles such as Post- polio Syndrome; Clinical Spectrum and Management, of Ophitoxaemia in Africa; Adult Chronic Rhino sinusitis in Ibadan, and Management of Cervical Cancer reflect the scope of this issue. The DOKITA Extras section is ever present, as is the Association News. Highlights of activities of the Editorial Board over the past one year are also published including the successful hosting of the Professor O. O Akinkugbe Quiz Competition in Enugu.

My gratitude goes to all those who worked assiduously to make this journal a success, most importantly, the members of the DOKITA Editorial Board. We would also like to thank the members of the Advisory Council, the Honorary Board member, the Emeritus Consultant to the Board and Editorial Consultants for all their contributions to this edition. We are deeply indebted to Professor O. 0 Kale of the Department of Preventive And Social Medicine for his support in ensuring the success of this edition and also for writing the fore word. We are very grateful to all contributors and authors for their interest in the journal and we hope for a continuance of this relationship. We acknowledge the financial contributions from our sponsors and it is our hope that you are delighted with the production of this edition.

Finally, I give all glory to God almighty for His Grace and His constant watch over the Editorial Board throughout this year and in the years to come

Onwuka Nkechi Theresa (Miss), 


March 2009.

  • Adult Chronic Rhinosinusitis
  • Current trends in development of new Tuberculosis Vaccines
  • Hyper-reactive Malarial Splenomegaly: A Review
  • Lassa fever: An Enigma
  • Leprosy: still an African Nightmare
  • Post-Polio Syndrome
  • Screening methods for HIV & HIV /AIDS patients
  • Trends in analysis of Tuberculosis in a rural community in Nigeria
  • Trends in Chronic & Infectious disease & control strategy
  • Clinical spectrum & management of Ophitoxaemia in Africa
  • Giardiasis & the Malabsorption Syndrome
  • Prospects of Malarial control in Nigeria
  • The Avian Influenza pandemic challenge
  • Emerging Zoonoses & the one health paradigm
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: An overview
  • Lymphatic Filariasis in Nigeria: An overview
  • Trachoma: Clinical staging & its appropriate management
  • An overview of Lassa fever outbreaks in Nigeria
  • Isolation & identification of the Polio Virus from Acute Flaccid Paralysis Cases
  • DOKITA Extras